Veterans Base Camp's Team
PLEASE NOTE: EVERY member of the team is a volunteer and EVERY dollar you donate goes to support the program and our veterans, and not to salaries.
Cindy is a licensed clinical social worker and the Executive Director at Veterans Base Camp. She started the program in 2018 and has not looked back! Working with veterans, volunteers , the young adults and all the wonderful people that give of their time, talents and love to support our veterans and make this program a reality has been a life changing experience. I get to see people at their best as they come forward to support veterans and their families. Best "job" EVER!
Dwayne, a Navy veteran, came to VBC in 2021. He is the Administrative assistant and the "go to guy" for questions about Camp, Dwayne has this calm nature that helps new program participants to quickly feel at ease. We are blessed to have him at VBC.
Russ , a retired Army combat vet, former supply officer, came to VBC in 2019. He quickly took charge of the Vittles 4 Vets Food Pantry and the over maintenance of the Camp. His most often heard statement is: "I got a guy!". VBC would not be where we are today without the support that he freely gave during our start-up. Good thing WE got THIS guy!
Mike, a Marine veteran, is Russ's right hand man and has been an amazing supporter of the Vittles 4 Vets Pantry, and the veterans at VBC. Mike volunteers his time, his truck (and any other vehicle!) his gas to make weekly trips to Wallingford to Food Share to pick up the tons of food we order for pantry. Thanks Mike!
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