2022 Champions
Who Helped Us to Save Veterans Base CamP...
We would not be here without the
support you gave us!
We will always remember our Veteran Marine, David Guy...
Always in our hearts
Blessed we were "home" for you.
To both the known and anonymous donors who gave so generously, helping to purchase the property, insuring we could continue to serve our veterans, we thank you. Your donations have helped us to continue to provide services to those who have given so much.
God bless you all.
Garry Brown
Summer Rain Sprinkler System, Inc. Helen Turvey Ingraham
Thomas Smith
Roger & Cynthia AdamsBessie & Matthew Clinton
Marine Corps League
Donna KilHennyNet
work For Good
Robert & Carol Romprey
West Avon Congregational
Karen Kadula-Gardner
VFW Aux. to Thompson Mem Post 10088
Patricia Sweet
Sarah Fitch
Arthur & Cathy Choiniere
Target Corp.
Donald & Gloria Barnes
Gregory & Patricia Conway
Edward & Manasi Watts
Peter & Denise Mead
Richard & Debra Svetecz
Brian & Julie Lindholme
Michael Young
Kenneth Morganti
Andrew & Melissa Cook
Network For Good
Robert & Sandra D'Angelo
Jennifer Roach
Douglas & Judith Smith
James Craig
Cindy & Steve Archibald
Stonington Lodge
Mark Talbot
Michael & Kimberly Rumley-Wells
Pomfret Lions Club
Peter Mann
William Goodwyn
Nancy & Malcolm Rhines
Catherine Nelson
Sandra Tomko
Sybil Goodkin
Mystic Financial Group
Stewart & Bonnie Orzoff
Catherine Roosa
Jonathan Conklin
James Andrychowski
Clair & Gerald Kavarnos
John & Patricia Murray
Meradith & Jay Kimberly
Fidelity Charitable
Water Works Canoe Company
Network For Good
Charles & Susan Searle
James & Elizabeth Fidanza
Christ Church of Pomfret
Patricia Pogmore
Eileen Leahy
American Legion of Waterbury, CT Inc Post 1
Disabled American Veterans
North Stonington Grange # 23138
Hebron Memorial VFW Post 8776
Bank of America
Couch PIPA VFW 6851 Aux
Town Fair Tire
Natures Campsites, LLC
Phyllis & Howard Dillow
Babcock Presbyterian Church
LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC
Target Corp.
West Avon Congregational Church
Hungarian Social Club
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 52
West Avon Congregational Church
Robert Schmidt
Earnest Morris
Putnam Lions Club Foundation INC
Melissa Marshall
Pizza Mike's Pizzeria, LLC
Eleanore Provencal
Eric & Kerri Hindinger
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
& Denise McGill
Jeanne Tucker
Cynthia Doyle
Veterans Day Race
Frank & Pauline Lamparelli
Janet & John Fischer
James & Elizabeth Fidanza
Samuel & Pamela Wheeler 111
Samuel & Pamela Wheeler